Creative Integration of Ecologic, Economic, and Moral Perspectives on a Sustainable Energy Future
Readings and additional links for Hitzhusen and Hitzhusen short course:
Packet Readings:
Navigating Energy Choices in the 21st Century (RFF)
State of the world charts, p. xx, James Gustave Speth, The Bridge at the End of the World (Yale University Press, 2008) (SpethCharts)
An Environmental Economic Perspective on Energy, Fred Hitzhusen (FHitzEvnEconPonEnergyPDF)
Introduction to Ecology: Ecological Systems, Craig Davis (DavisEcology)
Everything You Need to Know About Global Warming in 5 Minutes, Jeremey Grantham (Grantham)
The 40 Things You Need to Know, Smithsonian Magazine (expanded web version here) (Smithsonian 40)
Building a Green Economy, Paul Krugman (NYTimes web link here) (KrugmanNYT)
Biomass Energy Resources in Ohio and OH-MARKAL Model and Toward a More Renewable Electric Car Sector: The Ohio Case, Abstracts (FHitzAbstracts)
Biblical Principles handout (BiblicalPrinciples)
Introduction to Inspiring Progress: Religions’ Contribution to Sustainable Development, Gary Gardner (GardnerPreface)
Ch 1: The Power of Vision: Worldviews Shape Progress, Gary Gardner (GardnerCh1)
Ch 11: Getting to a New Progress (including notes for Intro, Ch. 1, and Ch. 11), Gary Gardner (GardnerCh11andNotes)
Additional Readings:
Energy Ethics, William Rauckhorst, America Magazine, Nov. 6, 2006 (Energy Ethics)
Ecology, Religion & Policymaking: Survey of the Field, Mary Evelyn Tucker, Bulletin of the Boston Theological Institute, Spring 2007, 6(2) (TuckerEcology)
Catholic Social Teaching on Creation Care and Climate Change, USCCB (CathSocTchng)
Preface, Lester Brown, Plan B 3.0 (LesterBplanB3)
Preface, Lester Brown, Plan B 4.0 (LesterBplanB4)
Living the Sabbath: Discovering the Rhythms of Rest and Delight, Norman Wirzba, 2006, Preface, Intro, Ch. 1 (Wirzba2006)
Environmental Economics Concepts and Evidence for Sustainable Development, Fred Hitzhusen (FHitzEnvEcon)
Links of Interest:
NYT article mentioned in class (Aug 8, 2011): “An Economist for Nature Calculates the Need for More Protection”
WAMU report: Religious leaders boosting sustainability
Smithsonian Magazine 40 Things You Should Know website
Climate Change: A Moral Crisis, video, Kathleen Dean Moore, Prof. of Philosophy, Oregon State University
Great Places: Turning from Stuff to Happiness, David Roberts, Grist online magazine