I pray all is well amidst all that is going in our lives, our homes, our communities, our country and this nation. COVID 19 has created a new lens for Americans to look through. It has presented us with the gift of self-care in service to ourselves and to others. It is also a time to reflect and ponder the Clarion Call attached to our faith. COVID 19 raises the question of how will we as people of faith show up. Not only to protect our organizations but in radical love. What is our deepest response not only to the moments of now, but the moments of later? How do we show up our fullest selves in the full identity of our faith and how do we put our faith into action? There is much more that we can ask, but I write to challenge us in our reflections – – What Can/Must We Do? What is missing in this moment and how are we holding others up in the space of uncertain times? While I may not have the answer to all of these questions, I as the Executive Director of Ohio IPL ask you to join us in a radical love campaign. This campaign has only one ask and that is that you call someone and check on them and don’t forget to tell them I LOVE YOU. This is a time to reach out to those members in our houses of worship who stopped attending. To the single mother or to that friend that we think about but yet fail to pick up the phone. The list is endless. Once you have done your check-in ask them to pay it forward and call someone and to do the same. God’s creation is not only about the trees, the land, the water, etc., it is also about God’s Children. I would love for you to send a message to me at [email protected] simply stating, I checked on someone I love.
May the waters of grace continue to flow upon you.
In Radical Love,
Rev. Marcia Dinkins, Executive Director