We are pleased to offer a variety of webinars--be a part of these engaging presentations...no need to travel and use energy for these online seminars.
Our webinars cover such topics as:
- actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint;
- Energy Stewards program tips and sharing of successes;
- how to make the ethical connection to the caring for creation through worship and educational experiences;
- ways to engage in advocacy; and
- support as you take leadership roles within your communities towards earthkeeping.
Topics we have covered or are planning to include in our webinar series:
- Earthkeeping Principles: Faith Traditions, Scientific Principles, Social-Political Principles, Ethics and Philosophy
- Earthkeeping Education and Worship: Eco-Spirituality and Worship, Educational Resources, Children and Nature
- Earthkeeping as Individuals: Sustainable Living, Local Foods, Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
- Earthkeeping in Faith Communities: Worship Resources, Energy Efficiency Checklists, Developing Green Teams
- Earth Stewards and Energy Audits: Establishing Energy Use Benchmarks, Understanding the Earth Stewards Platform, Energy Audits, Exploring Loans/Grants
- Earthkeeping Advocacy: Environmental Justice, Public Policy, Energy Policy, Clean Air and Water Policy