The most popular meaning of Sustainability is “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”
As you work with your host faith community you will want to decide what activities you and members of the faith community can work on together.
Environmental sustainable activities are numerous! Areas to explore could include:
- Coffee Hour, Potlucks, other events
- Worship, Education, Administration
- Energy Use
- Paper and Wood products
- Water Use
- Cleaning Products
- Food Choices
- Transportation
- Air Quality
- Recycling and Waste
- Nature-inside and out!
Begin by taking a survey of your own carbon footprint!
CLICK HERE for and “Ecological Footprint Quiz” handout.(You could share this with members of the host faith community if they are not familiar with this tool).
CLICK HERE for an online Footprint Calculator.
We’ll look next at some of specific topics and activities that you could explore with your faith community. Each topic has a worksheet with FACTS, AN AUDIT CHECK LIST, and QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER. Review these Worksheets and, with the members of your host faith community, decide which audit sheets to use and then what projects could be worked on together.
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