Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind. -Albert Einstein

A recording of the video conference is below:

January 22, 2015
Our thanks to Dr. Joel Barker of Byrd Polar Research Center at the Ohio State University, and Ted Ford, President and CEO of Advanced Energy Economy for their presentations that provided up to date climate and clean energy information. Methodist Theological School in Ohio was our host site for the live presentation, which was broadcast to sites around Ohio (Xavier University, Cincinnati; Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, United Theological School, Dayton; First Unitarian-Universalism Church of Columbus, and The Ohio State University.), for local discussions.
Our thanks to Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center for facilitating the video-conferencing and providing this video of the presentation.

January 19, 2014:
Dr. Ellen Mosley Thompson of The Ohio State University Byrd Polar Research Center shared up-to-date information about climate change and local discussion with faith leaders and scientists followed her presentation.
For a Public News Service broadcast about this 2014 event and the importance of scientists and faith leaders to work together, click here.