We're Still In!

“My household/my faith community will continue to work to protect creation regardless of what the U.S. federal government does. We are still committed to fighting global warming, we are keeping the faith, and we’re still in!”
Faith Leaders respond to President’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord
We know that caring for God’s creation by engaging climate change is not only good for the environment, but also good for the health and welfare of our people.
The president’s statement is a disappointment and represents a setback to our work as well as the work of other interfaith and ecumenical groups on the issue of the environment…
It is time to join our voices and our bodies as we witness on behalf of the thousands of climate scientists whose findings over the past 50 years have led to the unassailable conclusion that climate change is real and is caused by humans.
Climate change is already placing a disproportionate burden on vulnerable communities around the world, generating severe storms, flooding, droughts and famine.
ELCA Advocacy is deeply disappointed with President Trump’s decision to begin the process of withdrawing from the Paris Agreement.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), along with Pope Francis and the entire Catholic Church, have consistently upheld the Paris agreement as an important international mechanism to promote environmental stewardship and encourage climate change mitigation.
The decision by President Donald Trump to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord is not only disheartening but also puts God’s creation in further crisis.
As people of faith and conscience who affirm both the inherent worth and dignity of all and the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, we find President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement on climate change to be an affront to that depth of connection.