Now’s the time…we have the opportunity to take a stand to clean up industrial carbon pollution which fuels climate change. As a person of faith, join the effort to let the EPA know you support the New Industrial Carbon Pollution Standards.
“The real work of planet saving will be small, humble, and humbling, and (insofar as it involves love) pleasing and rewarding. Its jobs will be too many to count, too many to report, too many to be publicly noticed or rewarded, too small to make anyone rich or famous.”
There are currently no national limits on the industrial carbon pollution coming from sources like power plants. The EPA is working to safeguard our health by reducing this carbon pollution and lessening the impact of climate change. Fossil fuel burning power plants currently emit more than two billion tons of carbon pollution and other toxic pollutants into the air each year.
The EPA’s new standards to put limits on industrial carbon pollution from new power plants show us that the 40-year old Clean Air Act is still an invaluable tool to carry out our call to be stewards of God’s Creation and to serve the least among us.
Take Action!
Interfaith Power and Light has set up an easy on-line way to submit your support for these pollution safeguards. Please send in your comment of support to the EPA today! Comments need to be submitted by June 25, 2012.
Together with our allies in the environmental and public health communities, we are collecting an unprecedented two million comments, like yours, to ensure the new standards take effect as soon as possible. Let us leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that people of faith stand on the side of God’s Creation, human health, and climate safety.
Want to do more?
Gather signatures from members of your congregation. Click here for Carbon-Rule-Sign-On