The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Climate Change Task Force, established by Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk in 2008 and later reaffirmed by current Archbishop Dennis Schnurr, carries out the Archdiocese’s commitment to the national Catholic Climate Covenant’s “St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor” ( ). The Task Force implements the five pillars of this pledge — praying, learning, assessing, acting and advocating — for the good of the environment and the poor and vulnerable, both within the Archdiocese and to the public at large. The Task Force meets regularly and has a diverse membership of clergy, women religious, scientists, university and high school level teachers, deacons and parishioners. Activities include: holding community-wide educational events, recommending liturgical activity around care for creation and sending green tips to parishes, and supporting parish efforts to become more sustainable (e.g. through recycling, organic gardens, energy audits, promotion of efficient or renewable energy technology, and personal carbon footprint reduction plans). The Task Force also engages in public policy advocacy on both the federal and state levels, promoting the positions of the U.S. and Ohio Catholic bishops. This has included meeting with legislators, engaging green businesses in advocacy work, as well as letters to the editor, op-ed pieces, and constituent input.