On Sunday, February 8, 2015, approximately 200 people gathered at Temple Israel for a Dayton first: a Community Tu B’Shevat Celebration honoring the Jewish New Year for Trees. Events started at 10:00 a.m. with the start of Religious School and continued until 3:00 p.m. The celebration included a Tu B’Shevat Seder and farm-to-table style luncheon, activities for all ages, interactive displays by “green” vendors and organizations, and educational programs such as a session on Biblical texts and the environment. The participants were steeped in food, fellowship, liturgy, theology, Torah study, art, dance, music, and science.
While most of the activities kept folks moving about the entirety of our warm building, the University of Dayton’s educational trailer, the Rivermobile, occupied a large space in our parking lot, and both young and old ventured out into the cold to visit its several classrooms on river ecology and health.
The Seder was deeply meaningful, the lunch was delicious, the conversation enriching, and the programs and activities both fun and educational. A good time was had by all!
This event was made possible through funding provided by the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton Innovation Grant and the efforts of the Greening the Synagogue Greening the World Committee of Temple Israel and the Young Adult Division of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton.