Energy efficiency is very important at Forest Hill, and they have made many changes over the years. Their conscientious attitude to improve drives their mission…. always believing that they can do better. They have converted 95% of their lighting to fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs, (They began using fluorescents long before CFLs came into being. They use timers and focus on conscientiousness to turn off lights when not in use. ) increased insulation in many areas, upgraded their exhaust system for the sanctuary and restrooms, and replaced large kitchen appliances and cooler with more efficient units. They have also replaced the boilers (steam and hot water heat) with new ones that have computer controls for increased efficiency, thereby reducing gas usage by 25% and annual maintenance by 40%. The HVAC system is zoned and timed for increased efficiency in cooling. In a recent capital campaign, Forest Hill secured the most energy efficient windows that were within their budgetary reach. All of their windows now have storms (triple track) or double glazing.