In the fall of 2010, Fairmount Church in Cleveland Heights was the first Presbyterian Church in Ohio to be certified as an Earth Care Congregation, a program of the national Presbyterian Church, USA; that considers care of the earth in worship, education, properties and outreach. We built upon an energy audit and other actions we had taken since our Earthkeeper team started two years earlier, to gain enough points for the initial certification. Since then, we have continued to work with other groups in our church, to communicate earth care values throughout our church. Each year, new earth care actions must be taken to recertify as an Earth Care Congregation, so the program creates a focus within the church to take action each year.

  • Type:Program
  • Recommended By :

  • Name:Keith Mills
  • Faith Community

  • Faith Community Name:Fairmount Presbyterian Church
  • Phone:(216)321-5800
  • Website: