Faith communities have a pivotal role to play in bringing about the transformation that we need to address climate change. How can we build a powerful interfaith climate justice movement capable of bringing about social transformation through advocating for climate, racial and economic justice?
The purpose of a Be the Spark training is to offer a compelling leadership model that can activate engagement in local faith communities and with Ohio OFSC .
What is Be the Spark?
Change happens through ORGANIZING. Organizing can lead to sustained implementation of solutions in widening circles of faith communities. Be the Spark provides the leadership development training and deeper organizational and relational involvement that organizing requires.
Our first Be the Spark workshop was held in December, 2017. Then, a retreat for leaders from around Ohio was held in March, 2018, facilitated by Erin Pratt, Minnesota OFSC staff person who developed the Be the Spark curriculum. Watch for more leadership development training opportunities with Be the Spark!
From the Be the Spark workshops, three priority action teams were developed to help address the issue of climate change within the faith context. These action teams are:
Just Solar and Energy Efficiency
Land and Water Justice
Food Justice
Using the tools learned in the Be the Spark workshops, each team will gather resources and implement actions that encompass three areas of engagement:

Thank You to those who support the Be the Spark initiative:
Our thanks to the following for their generous support of the Be the Spark trainings:
Diocese of Southern Ohio-Episcopal Church
Methodist Theological School in Ohio
Puffin Foundation West Ltd.
Ohio Conference of the United Church of Christ
Columbus Mennonite Fellowship

Earth Justice Network of Southeast Ohio
Ohioans for Sustainable Change Challenge Grant
SC Ministry Foundation
UCC Environmental Ministries-Climate Justice Coalition
Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio Inc.
The Rev. Deborah Conklin